
My name is Robert Kist and I am a Technical Art Director / Technical Director in the video games industry. I worked on games like Dreamfall: The Longest Journey, Age of Conan, The Secret World, Need for Speed, FIFA, Battlefield Hardline, Gears Tactics, League of Legends, Assassin's Creed and a few others.

This page serves as home to the dev-log of the Ultima-style retro CRPG I've been developing in my spare time.

I've been working on and off on this project for the last 5 years, and have just recently decided to pull all my prototypes together and re-implement and combine them to a single game written in C. Originally, the plan was to bring the game to the Playdate console, but now I am also targeting current desktop systems, as well as old retro machines, like MS-DOS PCs, the Amiga, and classic Macs.

Whether you're a fellow game developer or a player, I hope you will enjoy this dev-log!

For my other pages, please visit: LinkedIn, Artstation, Github